I have just started my amazing 1oo day project on instagram this week. And I have just started planning my 90 day plan for my business. I noticed that when I push a little bit more and produce more, I tend to loose the connection with myself. It happened to me whenever I had an exhibition. It was really fun and challenging but at the same time I would loosen the connection with myself. The intuitive part. And during the first part of this week I felt that the same was happening. So I had to slow down a bit . And to remember why I was going towards my goal. Why I want to be a full time artist. And the answer is that I want to do what I love , what I am passionate about. And how Ralph Smart says (check out his instagram account at https://www.instagram.com/infinitewaters/) “Where passion goes, money flows!”. And look at the law of attraction too. You are going towards what you feel not what you think. So if I feel stressed and confused that is the direction that I will take. I decided so to slow it down and take weekends off and 1 week of holiday at the end of the year. This is self love. This is connecting with myself. This is connecting with the why. And the reason why I am doing my 100 day project is that I want to connect with people. I want to open myself up to the world and connect with people that resonate with my work and my message. And I want to connect with myself through my work. But if my work is disconnecting me from myself then it’s not working properly.
And it’s a fine balance, really, between the connection with yourself and the commitment in what you do and the passion you put in the projects. Too much work and you loose the connection. Too much connection with yourself and you may not do enough work to reach your goal. It’s a balance! So take a deep breath, connect with your body, connect with your vibration. There lies the exact tune, the perfect vibration that you need! Do and act according to that vibration, to that feeling. You already know what you need. It’s inside yourself.
Have a great day folks!!