What I mean by that? I mean that if I react negatively to a situation now, I am setting up a series of reactions in the future that will be similar when a similar situation will happen. That is because our brain is designed to survive. If we survived in that situation reacting that way then it is most likely to react that way the next time and so on. And it will be very hard for us to change unless someone else is pointing at it.
It is like building train tracks. If you are building them in a direction where the terrain is not even then your train will have a hard time . If you build good tracks it’s good for your future journeys 😉
So isn’t it best to react with positivity?
Example. I am working on a project (CP3) and my tendency is to be completely absorbed in my work. But this makes me anxious and I am so eager to get to the end that I can’t seem to enjoy the process. I found that a certain point I lost the joy of working. So what is the solution? Should I keep working no matter what I feel? (Un)Luckily I had two weeks of a virus that gave me fever whenever I felt stressed. That meant that I couldn’t be anxious. I found that whenever I slowed down and I was aware of my movements and lived in the present moment the fever wouldn’t arise.
The fever taught me how to enjoy more the present moment!! So going back to my point if I live the present moment now while I am working I will most likely do it in the future!