I started reading Eckhart Tolle’s book A new Earth, awakening to your life’s purpose. It’s incredible how many concepts are resonating with my own practice and work. Or maybe not. It’s not a coincidence if I am awaking now and many other people are. As the author says it is the right time. It’s a time where there are no more rigid religious institutions (at least in the West) that have the monopoly over spirituality.
We are starting to discover our own heaven. And that was Jesus’ original message: heaven is inside yourself. Change your self and you will live in a new earth (=the reality out there).
But what struck me the most was the introduction. He talked about flowers. They were the first thing in human history to not have a practical purpose. They were just beautiful. They were a window to our own beauty, to the formless. We as plants, can blossom and get to the “enlightenment”.
The connection with my work is incredible. Eckhart even used the same metaphor!! In my words: when we align our roots (subconscious/formless) to our trunk (desires/thoughts) we blossom beautiful flowers (our presence in the reality/expression). Amazing!
The author goes on explaining how we, humans, have a dysfunction. We always knew that. The Buddha called it dukkha, suffering, Jesus called it sin (its original meaning, “missing the target”, has been distorted by the translations), etc,… Fears and hatred and all the negativity come from the same place. Tolle believes that this place is the ego. This book is about “awakening” from being unconscious of our identification with the ego since we were babies. This realisation will automatically make us conscious of the ego and finally abandon it.